

New To Living In Frankfurt? Here’s Your Must-Have Guide

Living in Frankfurt

Did you just land in this city of sausages, skyscrapers, and surprises? Well, buckle up as you’re about to dive into the ultimate guide that will turn you from a Frankfurt newbie into a seasoned pro faster than you can say “Apfelwein.” We’re here to spill the beans (and sauerkraut) on everything you need to know to rock this city like a true Frankfurter. From decoding the lifestyle for expats in Frankfurt to knowing the climate in Frankfurt, this guide on living in Frankfurt has you covered. So, flex those neck muscles and get ready to roll through Frankfurt’s heights, nooks, crannies, and curiosities – woohoo!

Orientation to Frankfurt

Nestled in the heart of Germany’s Hesse region, Frankfurt stands as a multifaceted metropolis that seamlessly marries history with modernity. Known by its full name, Frankfurt am Main, to differentiate it from its namesake Frankfurt (Oder), this vibrant city is more than just a geographical location; it’s a global crossroads of finance, culture, and history. In short, living in Frankfurt is a whole new experience.

A Financial Powerhouse

Frankfurt has earned its reputation as the financial capital of Germany, if not Europe. The city’s towering skyline is adorned with gleaming skyscrapers that house the headquarters of major financial institutions, including the European Central Bank (ECB) and the German Federal Bank (Bundesbank). The iconic cluster of high-rises in the Innenstadt district, often referred to as “Mainhattan,” is a testament to Frankfurt’s influential role in international finance and trade. The city’s bustling banking sector has spurred economic growth, attracting professionals from around the world seeking opportunities in the financial realm.

A Cultural Mosaic

Beyond its financial prowess, Frankfurt boasts a rich culture. The city’s history is punctuated by various epochs, from its medieval roots as a trade centre to its prominence in the Holy Roman Empire. This historical depth is palpable as you stroll through the cobblestone streets of the Altstadt (Old Town), where centuries-old structures stand side by side with modern establishments. Museums and galleries abound, offering insights into art, history, and science. The Städel Museum, for instance, houses an unparalleled collection of European art spanning centuries.

Historical Significance

As a city steeped in history, Frankfurt has played witness to key historical events that have shaped not only Germany but also the broader European narrative. It was the birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the celebrated writer whose works have left an indelible mark on world literature. The Kaiserdom, or Imperial Cathedral, stands as a striking architectural testament to the city’s historical importance and houses relics that connect the present to the past.

A Global Melting Pot

One of Frankfurt’s most remarkable features is its international character. The city’s cosmopolitan flair is evident in its population, which is a mosaic of cultures and nationalities. Expatriates, students, and professionals from around the world converge here, enriching the city’s diversity and contributing to its dynamic atmosphere that defines the experience of living in Frankfurt.

Cost of Living in Frankfurt

cost of living in Frankfurt

When embarking on a journey to a new city like Frankfurt, understanding the cost of living is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth transition. Frankfurt’s reputation as a financial powerhouse and cultural hub is balanced by its cost of living, which reflects both its opportunities and amenities. Let’s break down the various aspects of the cost of living in Frankfurt and offer valuable insights into budgeting and cost-saving strategies.

Housing in Frankfurt

Renting an apartment is the most common housing arrangement, and costs can range from moderate to high. the average price per square meter in the Frankfurt metropolitan area is approximately €5,800. This truly depends on what you’re trying to find, though. In central districts such as Westend-Süd or Bornheim, the price per square meter is approximately €8,000, and houses are rarely listed for sale for very long. The starting price in outlying areas such as Kalbach-Riedberg or Schwanheim is approximately €4,300, although prices have recently surged because of the increased demand. And here’s an interesting twist—Germany has regulations that control rent increases. This means that landlords can’t arbitrarily raise your rent whenever they please. Instead, increases are subject to legal restrictions. This ensures a degree of stability in your housing costs.


Frankfurt boasts an extensive and efficient public transportation network, which is a cost-effective way to get around the city and its outskirts. The Rhein-Main Verkehrsverbund (RMV) system encompasses trams, buses, S-Bahn, and U-Bahn trains, offering various ticket options to suit your travel needs. Monthly or annual passes can provide substantial savings for regular commuters. Additionally, cycling is popular in Frankfurt, offering an eco-friendly and affordable means of transportation.

Groceries and Essentials

Grocery expenses can constitute a significant portion of your monthly budget. Supermarkets like REWE, EDEKA, and Aldi offer a wide range of products at different price points. Consider shopping during sales, opting for store brands, and planning meals to minimize food wastage. When living in Germnay, familiarise yourself with local markets for fresh produce and speciality items, which can sometimes be more budget-friendly than larger supermarkets.

Entertainment and Lifestyle

Living in Frankfurt, you’ll discover a vibrant cultural scene offers an array of entertainment options, from theatre performances and art exhibitions to outdoor events and festivals. While some attractions may have admission fees, many cultural institutions offer discounted or even free entry on certain days. Exploring parks, taking advantage of free community events, and enjoying the city’s green spaces are excellent ways to have a fulfilling social life without straining your budget.

Education & Work

From world-class education opportunities to a buzzing financial hub, Frankfurt balances the pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of success. When living in Frankfurt, you’re up for a world-class education and health system.

Education Haven

Frankfurt doesn’t just boast a stunning skyline; it’s also home to some of Germany’s finest educational institutions. Whether you’re dreaming of a bachelor’s degree, a master’s program, or even a doctorate, Frankfurt has you covered. The Goethe University Frankfurt is a prestigious hub of research and learning, offering a diverse range of disciplines. 

With a rich blend of international students and faculty, the learning environment is truly global. This diversity not only enriches academic discussions but also provides a unique opportunity to connect with people from all corners of the world.

The Financial Playground

Frankfurt is often referred to as the financial capital of continental Europe, and for good reason. The city is home to the European Central Bank (ECB) and the German Stock Exchange. Its bustling financial district houses major banks, investment firms, and multinational corporations. If you’re seeking a career in finance, economics, or related fields, Frankfurt offers a playground of opportunities.

The Job Market in Frankfurt

Finally, we’ve reached the part ” job market for expats in Frankfurt.” So, what is a decent wage in Frankfurt? Frankfurt’s average base wage, according to ERI’s Global wage Calculator, is €56,440 year, or €27 per hour on average. This is more than the average base income of €49,428 per year for the rest of Germany.

Remember that a place may appear more or less expensive based on your income level when searching for a job in Frankfurt. If it’s feasible, you might try to negotiate for a pay that’s on par with or more than Frankfurt’s average.

Also Read: Cost of Living in Germany

Frankfurt’s Ecosystem Amid Urban Bustle

Frankfurt's Ecosystem

Ah, let’s take a detour from the city’s bustling streets and towering skyscrapers to delve into the surprising world of nature in Frankfurt. 

Green Oases in the Concrete Jungle

You might think of Frankfurt as a concrete jungle, but let me introduce you to its leafy side. The city is home to an array of parks, gardens, and green spaces that serve as tranquil retreats for locals and visitors alike. The Palmengarten, for instance, is a botanical paradise that boasts a stunning variety of plant species from around the globe. So living in Frankfurt is not just a garden scene—it’s a global journey through nature’s diversity.

The Exquisite Stadtwald

But that’s not all—meet the Stadtwald, Frankfurt’s very own city forest. It’s not every day you find a sprawling forest just a tram ride away from the city centre. The Stadtwald is a sanctuary for joggers, cyclists, and those seeking a serene escape. From sun-dappled trails to hidden ponds, this forest is a testament to the city’s commitment to preserving nature amidst urban expansion.

River Reflections

Ah, the Main River—the ever-flowing heartline of Frankfurt. Its banks are not just for taking leisurely strolls; they’re also habitats for a diverse range of birds and aquatic life. If you’re lucky, you might spot herons gracefully fishing along the water’s edge. And let’s not forget the river cruises that offer a unique perspective of the city’s landscape while sailing through its heart.

Biodiversity Beyond Expectations

Frankfurt’s ecosystem isn’t just limited to its parks and rivers. The city’s commitment to conservation is evident in areas like the Niddatal Green Belt—a network of protected areas that’s home to various wildlife species. So, don’t be surprised if you stumble upon a hedgehog or even a fox during your urban exploration. It’s a reminder that nature and city life can coexist harmoniously.

Sustainability Initiatives

Frankfurt doesn’t just embrace its natural environment—it actively works to preserve and enhance it. The city’s focus on sustainability is reflected in initiatives like urban gardening, rooftop green spaces, and the integration of green architecture. Living in Frankfurt is all about nurturing nature even amidst the urban hustle.

Frankfurt’s Climate

Frankfurt enjoys a temperate oceanic climate, characterised by moderate temperatures and distinct seasons. The city experiences a harmonious blend of influences from nearby bodies of water and continental air masses. This interplay creates a climate in Frankfurt that’s neither excessively cold nor scorching hot, offering a comfortable environment for those living in Frankfurt.

Spring: A Blossoming Symphony

(Spring: March to May)

This season is a time of reawakening and renewal. Temperatures gradually rise, with March still retaining a hint of chill, while May ushers in milder and sunnier days. The city’s parks burst into vibrant hues as cherry blossoms, daffodils, and tulips paint the landscapes with natural artwork. Spring is a time for leisurely strolls along the Main River, picnics in parks, and embracing the city’s newfound energy.

Summer: Sunlit Adventures

(June to August)

Summer in Frankfurt is a symphony of warmth and vitality. June heralds the arrival of the summer solstice, bringing long daylight hours and average temperatures ranging from 17°C to 25°C (63°F to 77°F). July and August are the warmest months, inviting residents and tourists living in Germany to explore the city’s open-air attractions, take boat cruises along the Main River, and indulge in the lively street food scene. It’s also a season brimming with festivals, cultural events, and outdoor entertainment.

Autumn: Nature’s Palette

(September to November)

As part of living in Germany, autumn graces Frankfurt with a splendid display of colours and cosiness. September ushers in cooler temperatures, while October and November see the landscape transformed into a breathtaking canvas of reds, oranges, and yellows. Average temperatures range from 8°C to 15°C (46°F to 59°F). Parks and gardens become havens of tranquillity as leaves fall gently to the ground. The season invites you to savour warm beverages, explore indoor attractions, and revel in the charm of fall festivals.

Winter: A Tale of Traditions

( December to February)

Winter in Frankfurt is a magical blend of traditions and festivities. While snowfall is not guaranteed, December sees the city adorned with glittering lights and bustling Christmas markets. Average temperatures range from 1°C to 5°C (34°F to 41°F). Locals living in Frankfurt and visitors alike gather to enjoy mulled wine, holiday treats, and ice skating. Museums, theatres, and cosy cafes provide refuge from the cold, ensuring that the season’s charm extends indoors as well.

Local Insights and Adaptations

Frankfurt’s residents are adept at adapting to the city’s changing weather. You’ll find locals donning scarves and coats in winter, embracing outdoor activities in summer, and celebrating the beauty of each season. Cafes transition from sunny outdoor seating to cosy interiors, reflecting the seamless rhythm of life in Frankfurt!

Frankfurt’s Law System

Frankfurt's Law System

Frankfurt is the largest city in the state of Hesse and serves as its administrative and economic hub. But what about the political landscape? Well, the city operates under a democratic system, just like the rest of Germany. Frankfurt’s local politics are overseen by the city council, or “Stadtverordnetenversammlung,” which consists of elected representatives responsible for making decisions that impact the city’s daily life.

Mayoral Matters

At the helm of Frankfurt’s political ship is the Lord Mayor, known as the “Oberbürgermeister.” This individual, elected by the citizens, is more than just a figurehead. The Lord Mayor holds the reins of city administration, representing Frankfurt at various levels of government and working to implement policies that align with the city’s interests.

The Vital Court

The Landgericht Frankfurt am Main, or Frankfurt District Court stands as a pivotal judicial institution within Frankfurt, Germany. With jurisdiction over significant civil and criminal cases, it handles diverse legal matters, from contract disputes to serious criminal offences. The court’s specialised divisions streamline proceedings, ensuring expertise in specific areas. Appeals are heard by higher courts, while the district court’s decisions contribute to legal precedent and justice administration. Overall, the district court plays a vital role in upholding the rule of law and maintaining justice within the city.

Law and Order

Frankfurt, like the rest of Germany, places a strong emphasis on providing access to justice. The legal system ensures that individuals, regardless of their background, can seek justice without financial barriers. Legal aid, fee exemptions, and a commitment to a fair trial for all are essential principles that keep the wheels of justice turning.

Courts of Justice

Frankfurt is home to a range of courts that cater to different aspects of the legal spectrum. From district courts that handle civil cases and criminal matters to higher regional courts that oversee appeals, these institutions play a pivotal role in upholding justice. And let’s not forget the Administrative Court, which tackles issues related to public law, and the Labor Court, which deals with employment-related disputes.

Crime and Punishment

Crime knows no boundaries, and Frankfurt is no exception. The city’s police force, known as the “Polizei,” is responsible for maintaining public safety and enforcing the law. In collaboration with the judicial system, they work to investigate crimes, apprehend wrongdoers, and ensure that justice is served. It’s a balancing act between safeguarding citizens and upholding their rights.

Political Engagement

Frankfurt's Political Engagement

Frankfurt isn’t just about local governance. It’s also a crucial player on the global stage. The city’s significance as a financial and economic powerhouse gives it a unique voice in international matters. Whether it’s hosting global summits or contributing to discussions on climate change, Frankfurt’s political impact reverberates far beyond its city limits.

Financial Powerhouse’s Influence

Frankfurt’s role as a financial and economic powerhouse grants it a significant say in international matters. The presence of institutions like the European Central Bank (ECB) and the German Stock Exchange solidifies its position as a key player in global finance. The decisions made within these institutions have far-reaching implications for not only Europe but also the global economy.

Global Summits and Conferences

Frankfurt often plays host to international conferences, summits, and meetings that attract leaders, policymakers, and experts from around the world. These events cover a wide range of topics, from finance and economics to sustainability and technology. The city’s advanced infrastructure, top-notch venues, and strong logistics make it an ideal location for such gatherings.

Contribution to Global Discussions

Frankfurt’s financial and economic expertise lends weight to its contributions to global discussions. Whether it’s discussions about fiscal policies, trade agreements, or economic trends, the insights and perspectives from Frankfurt carry influence due to the city’s prominent role in the financial world.

Sustainability and Climate Change

Frankfurt also actively participates in global dialogues on sustainability and climate change. As environmental concerns take centre stage on the international agenda, Frankfurt’s efforts to promote green architecture, sustainability initiatives, and responsible urban development set an example for other cities. This commitment to environmental responsibility aligns with global efforts to address climate challenges.

International Diplomacy

Beyond finance and economics, Frankfurt also contributes to international diplomacy. The presence of consulates, trade offices, and multinational corporations fosters diplomatic interactions and collaborations between different countries. This diplomatic activity further strengthens Frankfurt’s global influence.

Navigating Taxes

Tax System in Frankfurt

At the core of Frankfurt’s tax system is the income tax, or “Einkommensteuer” in German. This tax is levied on your earnings, and its rate depends on your income level. When living in Frankfurt, you’ll soon get to know that the income tax in Germany operates on a progressive scale, meaning the more you earn, the higher your tax rate. It’s important to note that this tax is collected by the federal government and distributed to various levels of government to fund public services and programs.

Solidarity Surcharge: A Unique Feature

In addition to income tax, you might encounter another interesting tax—the solidarity surcharge, or “Solidaritätszuschlag.” This tax was introduced after German reunification to help finance the costs of rebuilding the eastern part of the country. It’s calculated as a percentage of your income tax and is subject to change based on economic conditions and political decisions.

Social Security Contributions: A Safety Net

Part of your income will also go towards social security contributions, known as “Sozialabgaben.” These contributions fund Germany’s robust social welfare system, which provides healthcare, unemployment benefits, pensions, and more. Both employees and employers contribute to social security, with the total contribution representing a significant portion of your earnings.

Value Added Tax (VAT): The Consumer’s Tax

When you’re out shopping or enjoying services in Frankfurt, you’ll likely encounter the Value Added Tax (VAT), or “Mehrwertsteuer.” This tax is included in the price of goods and services and varies depending on the type of product. The standard VAT rate in Germany is currently 19%, with reduced rates for certain items like food, books, and public transportation.

Tax Deductions and Benefits

The good news is that Frankfurt’s tax system also offers various deductions and benefits that can help reduce your tax burden. These might include deductions for certain expenses like education, healthcare, and certain work-related costs. Additionally, you might be eligible for family-related benefits, such as child allowances.

Navigating the System

Navigating Frankfurt’s tax landscape can be complex, especially if you’re unfamiliar with German tax laws and regulations. To ensure you’re making the most of available deductions and complying with tax requirements, it’s advisable to seek professional advice. Tax consultants or advisors can provide personalised guidance based on your individual circumstances and help you make informed financial decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Frankfurt a good city for expats?

Absolutely, Frankfurt is a pretty cool spot for expats. It’s got this international vibe, thanks to a ton of people from different corners of the world calling it home. When living in Frankfurt, you get to experience a mix of global businesses, especially in finance, and a bustling city life that’s still pretty easy to navigate.

Where do expats live in Germany?

When it comes to where expats hang their hats in Germany, it’s all over the map. Big cities like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg are super popular because of job opportunities and their vibrant cultural scenes. While living in Frankfurt is widely preferred by folks in finance or tech.

Can I live in Frankfurt without speaking German?

Living in Frankfurt without speaking German, it’s doable, especially in the beginning. The city is pretty international, so you’ll find a lot of English speakers, especially in business districts and among younger folks. But, if you’re planning to stay longer, picking up some German will make life smoother and help you connect more with the local culture.

Is Frankfurt friendly to foreigners?

As for the friendliness factor, Frankfurt is generally welcoming to foreigners. Like any big city, it’s got a mix of vibes, but expats often find it relatively easy to fit in and find their community. When living in Germany, there’s a good chance you’ll bump into fellow expats or English-speaking locals without much effort.

What are the best universities in Frankfurt?

The Goethe University Frankfurt is a big name, especially known for its research and a wide range of programs. Then there’s the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, which is like a magnet for anyone looking to dive into finance or business studies. Both are pretty well-regarded and offer lots of opportunities for international students.


Living as an Expat in Frankfurt

Frankfurt is a hearty city that welcomes people with lots of opportunities, cultural treasures, and natural beauty. As you go about living in Frankfurt, walking through its old historical places to modern financial areas, you become part of a lively picture that mixes tradition and progress, nature, the climate in Frankfurt, and city life, all fitting together in a beautiful way. So, whether you’re enjoying a special local drink by the Main River, exploring really old cathedrals, or dealing with taxes, living in Frankfurt is sure to amaze you with a diverse experience that’s more than just being new.

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